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President's Report (2nd quarter 2021)

Jun 25, 2021

President's Report (2nd quarter 2021)

Rehearsal Hall Reopened

As you may have seen in one of our recent email blasts, the Rehearsal Hall is now open! We are happy to make this resource available to members once again with just a few changes. Everyone who uses the hall must sign a Covid liability waiver. All payments for any non-members in your group must be received prior to the rehearsal.

For the safety of all, we’ve also installed an air purifier system. And there are plenty of wipes and hand sanitizer stations available. Special thanks to Local 389 member Greg Taillon for helping us get set up to open again. Greg has also been voluntarily maintaining the property since the closing of the building in March 2020!

MPTF live streams

During the pandemic, the recording industry’s Music Performance Trust Fund began funding live stream musical performances via its Facebook page. We were fortunate to be able to involve more than local 30 musicians in this project. While our funding for this year is exhausted, we hope to participate in this and other similar projects in the future. As always, if we have a new project, we will announce it via email. So be sure to read the email blasts you receive from us as there is usually an approaching deadline for participation.

Find a Musician

Have you ever had someone ask you to help them find a trumpet player? Or maybe a strolling violinist for a wedding? Well, we have a great resource for you. Now anyone—member or not—can look up our members through our website. Just go to and click Find a Musician at the top. You can search by name, instrument, and style. There’s a caveat here! It is extremely important that you activate your public directory entry, as only members who have done so will be accessible to potential employers. So please be sure to login to the member portal so that those looking for musicians on our site can find you! Give us a call if you need assistance setting things up!

In your service,


Central Florida Musicians' Association Footer Background Orchestra Leader

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