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Don't Go It Alone

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Central Florida Musicians' Association Rehearsal Hall Drums

CFMA Rehearsal Facility

Do you need rehearsal space? Our rehearsal facility is available 24/7 and is free to members in good standing.

CFMA Rehearsal Facility

Do you need rehearsal space? Our rehearsal facility is available 24/7 and is free to members in good standing.

Our Facility

Our rehearsal space is 25’x40’ and features a Yamaha upright piano, drum set, speakers, amplifier, tables, chairs and music stands for your convenience. Refrigerator and microwave oven are also available. It is air conditioned and has various lighting levels.

The use of this space is free to our members. This is a great value in a city in which the average rehearsal space cost is $25/hour to several hundred dollars per month.

Reserve a Time

Central Florida Musicians' Association rehearsal hall drums and equipment
Central Florida Musicians' Association guitar player at rehearsal hall
Central Florida Musicians' Association rehearsal hall drums and equipment
Central Florida Musicians' Association guitar player at rehearsal hall
Central Florida Musicians' Association on-site piano
Central Florida Musicians' Association board members in rehearsal hall

Rehearsal Hall Calendar

Rehearsal Hall Rules

Rehearsal Hall Rules

  1. Membership: You must be a member in good standing (i.e., all annual dues and work dues must be paid to date) in order to reserve the Hall. No exceptions will be made.
  2. Set blocks of time. You may reserve a three-hour block of time. Arrive at the beginning of your block of time - don’t expect to arrive late and extend your time at the back end. Scheduling large blocks of time prevents other bands from being able to use the Hall. Rare exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis.
  3. Hall must be booked ahead of time. Rehearsals can only be booked through the office during business hours.
  4. No-shows. If you cannot not make your rehearsal, you must let us know as soon as possible - during business hours, call the office; before/after business hours, text the president. Note: A no-show means another band could have missed an opportunity to rehearse during that time.
  5. Rehearsal Form and fee for non-members is required. Fill out completely and turn in the Rehearsal Hall Form. List all individuals rehearsing with you on this form – first and last names – and pay $5 for anyone rehearsing with you who is not an AFM member. You may pay with cash or check, or request to be invoiced and pay by credit card. There is a black Mailbox on the inside wall by the rear entry doors into which you may deposit the form and the cash/check.
  6. Return Rehearsal Hall to order. Return Rehearsal Hall to the order in which you found it – music stands and folding chairs stored in their specific storage locations, piano covered, speakers/equipment turned off, trash picked up, drums reassembled and returned to original location, etc. Report broken equipment immediately. If the Hall is in disorder when you arrive for your rehearsal, take a photo with your smartphone and text it to the President immediately.
  7. Equipment may not be removed from the Hall without prior permission. This includes, but is not limited to: chairs, music stands, drums, speakers, lighting, etc.
  8. Security. On the back doors, make sure flush bolt locks are securely placed in the lock position and doors are closed securely. Turn all lights off before you depart.
  9. Door Code. The code to the back door is meant only for Band Leaders. Do not give it out to anyone else – even other members or other Band Leaders – without prior permission from the office.
  10. Air conditioning. Only use the Up/Down buttons to adjust temperature. Do not touch any other buttons.
  11. Advertising. Do not put up signs or banners without permission. Business cards may be left by members only – all others will be discarded on the following business day of your rehearsal.
  12. No Smoking anywhere inside the building.
  13. Keep doors closed. Out of respect for our neighbors, please keep the doors closed while rehearsing.

Hall Reservation Priority List

If two or more groups wish to reserve the same time slot, the following list sets the order of priority. A higher-priority group can bump a group that has already reserved the Hall.

  1. Union Business, Meetings or Events
  2. Member group rehearsals (where 75% or more of the group are members)
  3. Member individual rehearsals
  4. Majority non-member rehearsals

Three-Strike Policy

If you are in violation of any of the rules three times within any contiguous 12-month period, you will be disallowed from reserving and using the Hall for one year. For example, if a Band Leader is in violation of these terms, he will not be allowed to have one of his band members book the Hall in his stead. Detailed Rules are below, but violations include:

  • Not paying for non-members
  • Not completing Rehearsal Hall form
  • Not returning Hall to proper order
  • No-shows without prior cancellation notice
  • Taking or borrowing equipment without prior permission
Central Florida Musicians' Association Footer Background Orchestra Leader

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